Jumat, 23 Maret 2012

Be a Good Teacher

                                                          How to be a Good Teacher ? 

"sosok guru yang diperlukan dalam pendidikan tidak selalu harus sangat pintar,tapi lebih dari itu adalah guru yang peduli, tulus dan mampu meningkatkan gairah belajar anak" (Laskar Pelangi, The Phenomenon)

           Teacher is the most important factors in teaching and learning process. Classroom activities are depend on the teacher. Teacher is the key of success of failure of foreign language program. Moreover, teacher is responsible for the smooth flowing out of transferring the knowledge in the teaching and learning process. 
          Good teacher is the teacher who can adopt a number of different roles in the class, depending on what the students are doing. As a teacher, we should know the kind of roles that we would act in the class. For example, the teacher always act as controller, standing at the front of class, dictating everything that happens and being the focus of attention. In this role, the more activities in the class are done by the teacher. In such situations, teacher may need to be a prompter, here the teacher must encourage students, push them to achieve more and feed in a bit of information or language to them proceed. At other times, teacher may need to act as feedback providers, that is helping students to evaluate their performance or as assessor (telling students how well they have done or giving grades). Teacher also needs to be able to act as resources for language information. When students need to consult, teacher become a tutor, that is an advisor who respond to what the students are doing and advises them on what to do next. In conclusion, teachers’ ability to perform of those roles at different times, will help the teacher to facilitate many different stages and facets of learning. Harmer stated that teaching is not an easy job, but it is a necessary one, and can be very rewarding when the teacher see their students’ progress and know that we have helped to make it happen. So, teacher should make their students enjoy in their classroom. To make our class enjoyable, teacher should have some guiding principles behind their approach in teaching. Hadfield gave four guiding principles for the teacher in their teaching:

 • We learn a language in order to communicate 
This means that the language in which the teacher teaches should be meaningful, natural and useful to their learners. 

• Teacher should be respect the individuality of their students
 Students learn in different ways, so that their roles as teacher is to respond to their different needs and ensure that the way we teach and the activities and materials we use are appropriate for our students’ level, ability, needs and are varied enough to appeal to different styles of learning.

 • Learning should be positive experience 
Our job as a teacher is to provide interesting, motivating, enjoyable and engaging learning activities for our students. Lesson have a clear aim which the students are aware of, in order to there is a sense of purposes and cooperative atmosphere in the classroom. 

• Teacher should enable their students to reach their full potential 
As well as making learning fun and appropriate for our students, we need to help them achieve their personal best. It will involve helping them take responsibility for their own learning. 

                 It is clear that teacher need to do everything possible as good support with their students providing interesting classroom. Those guiding principles offer certain guiding principles which form an approach to our teaching.


Baharuddin. Teori Belajar dan Pembelajaran, Jogjakarta:Ar-Ruzz Media,2007. Jill Press and Charles Hadfield, Introduction to Teaching English, Oxford:Oxford University Press, Unknown year. Harmer. Jeremy. How to Teach English, England:Pearson Longman,2007 
Rohmah, Zuliati. 2006. English for Islamic Studies. IAIN Sunan Ampel: Surabaya

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